Cancer Fighters Thrive


Cancer Fighters Thrive is a quarterly print and online magazine bringing readers practical, innovative and inspirational information about cancer treatment and survivorship.

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COVER STORY "Cancer wants to steal joy and steal life, but love will conquer it. So focus on love, joy, and life." ÑJoe Mills really know him in my heart," he says. with friends and family. "A positive atti- out cancer," he explains. "I focus on what "What has happened the most with this tude is very important," she insists. "Life I want to achieve. Cancer wants to steal cancer is the development of my faith. I is precious. Enjoy every single minute of joy and steal life, but love will conquer it. know now that man is limited, medicine it because none of us knows when we So focus on love, joy, and life." is limited, but not God." could be taken out of here." Throughout his treatment Joe has had Patty's faith was instrumental in her numerous conversations with God. "I journey, also. "Put God first. If you let realized I could focus on the disease or God help you, you sure get along a whole God," he says. "I could focus on the ill- lot better." ness or focus on living. I decided to focus Joe uses an auto-racing analogy, ex- on living. It is my faith in God that pro- plaining that when drivers are going vides strength, peace, joy, and comfort through a high-speed turn, they're look- when fear tries to creep in." No case is typical. You should not expect to experience these results. ing at marks on the pavement rather Patty took a similar approach. She de- than the wall that they don't want to hit. cided to stay busy and surround herself "That's how I live my life with or with- spring 2013 | cancer fighters thrive 11

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